Tools snippets

These snippets provide several miscellaneous tools that ease the developper's life.

Using the Tool class for quick tool development

This snippet shows how to quickly create a new tool by subclassing the Tool class.

You can try it online here.

Using the Tool class will give to use some useful features for developing our toy tool.

Code is from example ToyTool.cpp:

// We include what we need for the test
using namespace std;
/* Using Tool class for quick tool development. */
// We define some constant strings for names of command line parameters
static const char* STR_RANGE_MIN = "-min";
static const char* STR_RANGE_MAX = "-max";
// We define our own tool as a class that inherits from the Tool class
// By doing this, we will get:
// - a command line parser with default options; we will add specific options
// - a mean to retrieve command line options values in our code
// - a mean to get configurable progression bar for our ongoing job
// - a dispatcher object for easy multi-threading
// - a mean to get time execution information
// - a mean to gather any piece of information for output
// - a mean to run the tool in the 'main' function
class ToyTool : public Tool
// The Tool constructor allows to give a name to our tool.
// This name appears when one gets help in the command line or in the final output
ToyTool () : Tool ("ToyTool")
// By default, the Tool class provides 3 default command line arguments:
// "-nb-cores X" : number of cores used by the dispatcher object (0 means all cores)
// "-verbose X" : verbosity level (0: none, 1 and 2: bargraphs and final output)
// "-help" : just dump help about the tool
// Now, we add two custom command line arguments with the parser we got from Tool
// the "-min" argument is not mandatory, with default value 1
// the "-max" argument is mandatory
getParser()->push_front (new OptionOneParam (STR_RANGE_MIN, "lower range bound", false, "1"));
getParser()->push_front (new OptionOneParam (STR_RANGE_MAX, "upper range bound", true));
// Hence our tool can get 5 arguments as input (3 default, 2 custom)
// One can get them by using "./ToyTool -help"
// Note: if the mandatory argument is not provided, an error is dumped in console
// The 'execute' method must be implemented as we are a subclass of Tool
// This method does the actual job our tool is supposed to do (here some dummy computation)
void execute ()
// Our job is to compute some dummy information from integers in an range.
// This range is configured with our two command line arguments.
// Here, we see how to retrieve the arguments values through the 'getInput' method
Range<u_int64_t> range (
// We create an iterator over our integer range.
// Note how we use the Tool::createIterator method. According to the value of the "-verbose" argument,
// this method will add some progression bar if needed.
Iterator<u_int64_t>* iter = createIterator<u_int64_t> (range, "iterate range");
LOCAL (iter);
// We will do some dummy computation
u_int64_t totalSum = 0;
// We want to get execution time. We use the Tool::getTimeInfo() method for this.
getTimeInfo().start ("computation");
// We iterate the range through the Dispatcher we got from our Tool parent class.
// The dispatcher is configured with the number of cores provided by the "-nb-cores" command line argument.
IDispatcher::Status status = getDispatcher()->iterate (iter, [&] (const u_int64_t& i)
// We do some dummy computation.
u_int64_t sum = 0;
for (u_int64_t j=0; j<i; j++) { sum += j; }
__sync_fetch_and_add (&totalSum, sum);
getTimeInfo().stop ("computation");
// We gather some statistics. Note how we use the getInfo() method from the parent class Tool
// If the verbosity is not 0, all this information will be dumped in the console at the end
// of the tool execution
getInfo()->add (1, "output");
getInfo()->add (2, "sum", "%ld", totalSum);
getInfo()->add (1, getTimeInfo().getProperties("time"));
// Once our tool class is defined, we can run it in the main function of the program.
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
// We use a try/catch block since GATB functions may throw exceptions
// We run our tool with the provided command line arguments.
// This will call the ToyTool::execute method we have defined.
ToyTool().run (argc, argv);
// You can try to launch our tool with different command line arguments.
// For instance, you can try different number of threads:
// ./ToyTool -max 200000 -nb-cores 1
// ./ToyTool -max 200000 -nb-cores 2
// ./ToyTool -max 200000 -nb-cores 4
// ./ToyTool -max 200000 -nb-cores 8
catch (Exception& e)
std::cout << "EXCEPTION: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;